Honestly. I was so dispondant I just sat on the bonnet of my car & did nothing - I'm bloody ashamed of myself!
My asparagus bed is virtually invisible, the soft fruit has disappeared and my spuds will require fecking Agent Orange to uncover!
There are, however, a few glimmers of hope: one organic & one of human nature.
Firstly, while I was trying to figure out where the hell my spuds might be I found these:
aren't they beautiful! The larger one is about the size of my head - coooooool!
Even in this wilderness something will still grow!
Secondly. I realised I've got to get tough! Reclaim a small part of the plot & bloody cover the rest, uncovering it bit-by-bit. So I emailed a couple of carpet places & one got straight back to me saying as soon as he does another house and clears out the old carpets he'll call me back (so long as they're not foam backed) and I can help myself... Isn't that nice?
I know some people would say I'm saving him the trouble & expense of getting rid of them himself, but I see it more that he's gone out of his way to help me (complete stranger) & we'll both benefit.