Monday, 18 June 2007

A Partial Success

Well, "Wonder Gadget" was tried, but the soil was too bloody wet (it has been a bit moist here lately) - bah!

Wonder Gadget

Hi Ho.
At least the visit wasn't a complete loss:



Unknown said...

Is Wonder Gadget supposed to act like a riddle, or what?

Matron said...

I'd be interested to find out how you get on with your rota-sieve. (when it dries up) I've seen them advertised but find them a bit pricey. Let me know if it was worth it.

Alice said...

WhatsitforwhatsitforwhatsitforwhatsitFOR? ?? I'm dying of curiosity now!

Mr Toad said...

God! Sorry everyone, I didn't realise I had comments - Woo Hoo!

It's a rotary riddle. Put it in a wheel barrow load it up, wind handle & then fine beautiful soil falls into aforementioned barrow & evil twich grass stays behind...

Unfortunately the soil needs to be dry - I'm sorry everyone, I think buying this has caused all the wet weather.


Mossflower said...

Hello Mr. Toad, I want one of these!but cannot find them for sale in the US. English and Euro websites have them for sale, but don't ship to the US. Can you offer any suggestions - do you know a shop or website that would ship to America? Or any other ideas? Thanks, from a serious gardener and composter in Southern California.